Dijual Patung Penyambutan Merdah Tualen cetakan beton. Patung penyambutan Punakawan Merdah Tualen yang unik dan lucu ini berukuran 40x40x75cm Patung ini bagus diletakkan di depan pintu masuk atau gerbang rumah anda. Patung ini dijual murah saja. hubungi Liklik Cung Bali stone di 081558123339 untuk mendapatkannya.
Sale Reception Statue called Merdah Tualen made by concrete mold. This Reception Statue are unique and funny, the measurement are 40x40x75cm. Its good statue to put in front of the entrance or gate of the house. The statue was sold cheap only. Contact Liklik Cung Bali stone at 081558123339 to get.
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